⚙️Treasury Flywheel

Arkto treasury will be involving Infrared Finance as the main protocol foe our treasury

The above flywheel depicts

Growing Liquidity -> Growing iRED holdings -> Growing iBGT emissions -> Growing Treasury -> Growing yield for NFT stakers

  • After the Berachain governance is live we will be trying our best to enable our LP Pools to get whitelisted for BGT emissions , then will be using the above flywheel to our treasury.

  • We will bribing our NFTs in the Infrared Gauges to the voters on our LP Pool . The iRED we accumulate will be used to vote back on our LP Pools giving us more iBGT emissions to our LP Pools .

  • More iRED holdings more iBGT emissions directed towards our LP Pools

  • All the iBGT we receive from Protocol owned Liquidity will be staked in iBGT vault to get siBGT which gives us multiplied yield , where this reward 40% will be sent back to our treasury and remaining 60% will be distributed to our NFT stakers.

This flywheel will gradually generate more yield for us which in turn grows up our treasury and grows up generated yield for our NFT stakers.

Last updated