
genio | Founder

Genio is an experienced Electronics and Communications researcher with a background in Web3 as well as Web2. Genio brings valuable expertise on bringing ideas into reality with 4 years of Web3 experience. He has helped successfully minting out 2 projects on Solana and is now looking to apply that expertise on Berachain! Genio also has vast Web2 knowledge, having extensive experience in product management in his family business.

Laws | Co-Founder & Technical Development

Laws is a crypto enthusiast who has been working full time in Web3 for the past 4 years investing and researching everything there is to know about blockchain. He is a member of the Berachain community and is very excited to be a part of bring Arkto to fruition! His Web2 experience includes HR, L&D and PM across fast paced production environments. He brings his expertise on planning the structure of projects, brainstorming many ideas on how Arkto can improve the Berachain ecosystem.

SJ | Treasury / Investment Strategist & Advisor

SJ is a Berachain maximalist with a data science and quant trading background. He is running BD for multiple well known Berachain projects while building other projects in stealth. SJ is the unhinged mastermind behind the $ARKTO Flywheel!

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